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A Binge-Watcher’s Honest Review of Shadow and Bone

As a dedicated Binger, I was enthusiastic for Season 1 of Netflix’s Shadow and Bone to be released. A new Netflix Epic Fantasy series? Yes please! Ben Barnes—also known as Prince Caspian from the blast-from-the-past movie series Narniareturning to our screens? Yes please again! This show had all the makings to be an amazing Netflix release, and possibly the next Game of Thrones…but was it?

The ins-and-outs, honest thoughts, and binge-worthy rating await you…oh, and some spoilers, so stop reading if you haven’t finished Season 1!

The show focuses on several main characters: Alina Starkov (Jessie Mei Li), Malyen “Mal” Oretsev (Archie Renaux), and General Aleksander Kirigan (Ben Barnes), along with wonderful supporting characters and side stories surrounding these three. A note on my binge-watching: I have neither read the book series, nor did I familiarize myself with the show beyond a trailer. Shadow and Bone is what I like to call a “slow starter.” The show’s story begins to unfold like a book, with lots of questions needing answers. However, Leigh Bardugo’s Shadow and Bone books each have 300+ pages, and it is a trilogy, no less… 

Netflix tends to push out seasons with 8-10 episodes, and whether or not there is another season, the action usually fits within this limited format. Shows like Fate: The Winx Saga, Outer Banks, and other Netflix Originals have full and compelling story arcs, even in a short season. But there just wasn’t enough time in Shadow and Bone‘s 8 episodes to adequately explore the narratives. I understand that Netflix may be holding back quite a bit for future seasons, but they could have given us more. Here are some personal highlights and questions.

Binge-Worthy Rating: 6/10 — You Won’t be Binging Until 2am, But it Was a Charming Watch!

This show was an engaging, mildly epic, well-acted story. The casting was impeccable. Between Freddy Carter (Free Rein’s Pin Hawthorne) as Kaz, Ben Barnes as the multi-layered General Kirigan, and newcomer Jessie Mei Li as Sun-Summoner Alina Starkov—who I was not familiar with before, but am definitely a fan of after seeing her superb acting talents on this show—I was impressed with the casting. I’m known to binge-watch shows like these in a day or two, and yes, I did watch Season 1 over the course of a couple days to stay true to my binge-watcher self. However, Shadow and Bone didn’t necessarily pull me in as much as other shows have, and I would have been perfectly happy watching this over the course of…hmm…a week, which may have gone better with the show’s slower, mysterious vibe. For fans of epic fantasy, magic, and even period pieces, this show may absolutely be your quick binge—but for me, I give this show a slightly better than average binge-worthy rating. I definitely didn’t skip any meals or stay up until midnight to finish this one (yep, I’ve done that), but it was still a worthy watch.

The Many Names of Grisha & More

Heartrenderers, Tailors, Squallers, Infernis, Healers, etc.—all different types of Grisha (witches) with varying powers. After finishing the series, I think I have a pretty good understanding (maybe?!) of what all these names correspond to. But unlike in a book, where we can have narration, as well as many pages for explanation, viewers must figure out everything about these different characters—as well as surrounding clans and countries—as they watch. I found this to be the most difficult part of the show to follow. The various countries and locations coincide with this problem, and I would have appreciated them being laid out more clearly! Overall, going into the show with the knowledge of what an Inferni or a Squaller does, or where Os Alta is in relation to Fjerda, isn’t the most important thing, but much of my focus was taken away from the characters’ stories as I tried to understand exactly what was going on. This definitely would not have been a problem had I read the book series…but a cheat-sheet, or ideally a longer introduction to the backstory, would have been much appreciated!

General Kirigan…Is Redemption Possible?

I may be a bit over-accustomed to ’shipping characters in shows, but it was obvious to me that a triangle between General Kirigian, Alina, and Mal was going to form. Alina and Mal have an undeniable connection, but for a few episodes there, I was definitely looking forward to seeing Alina’s relationship grow with General Kirigan. Now, as your resident BingeRoom Relationship Guru (not really, but let’s go with it!), I’ll note that there are only three ways a fantasy love triangle can end when we initially feel that both men are deserving of the girl: either the one who doesn’t get the girl dies (hopefully in a noble way), or he meets another love interest equally deserving of his affection…or he turns evil. Can you guess which way this one went? My dismal suspicions were confirmed: General Kirigan did not have altruistic intentions, and he ultimately became the villain of the show! Wow, I was really hoping things would go another way…but it is what it is! The relationship briefly seen between Kirigan and Alina definitely showed a softer side of the now-ruthless Darkling. While his possessiveness over her coincides with his psychotic, power-hungry dark side, is it possible that Alina could have changed him, in time? This ship has likely sailed, as the scorned Heretic seems more harrowing than ever—but was there a sliver of good, and perhaps even gentleness, that Alina stirred in him, that may not be lost forever? Only time will tell.

The Most Underrated Story of The Show

Without a doubt, the side story of Nina (Danielle Galligan) and Matthias (Calahan Skogman) was the best part of this entire show. Rarely do I find side stories to be more interesting than the main characters’ story, but I was very impressed with this show’s ability to make me love many different side characters, and follow their stories more faithfully than the rest! A Grisha and a Fjerdan—an unlikely pair—help each other to survive, while a relationship of trust and respect grows between them…how can I not love this story? While cumulatively we didn’t see much of them onscreen, I could easily watch an entire show dedicated to that story.

The MVC (Most Valuable Character)

By far, the most underrated character on this show is Jesper (Kit Young). His comedic relief and impressive skills (seriously, he is always saving the day!), along with a gentle side below the surface, made him the most charismatic character to watch throughout the 8 episodes of Shadow and Bone. Of course, let’s not forget Milo the Goat, Jesper’s emotional-support-animal sidekick!

What’s next for Season 2?

The Season 1 finale was interesting, but more anti-climactic than I had hoped. The Fold is still standing, Alina and Mal’s relationship remains where it started (where’s my season finale profession of love? C’mon…), and there were no major deaths and losses (okay, this one I’m happy about)!

However, we see General Kirigan (presumed dead by our protagonists) exit the Fold, possibly with newfound control over shadow creatures. The Crows—our rag-tag crew of criminals including Kaz, Jesper, and Inej—board a boat with Alina, Mal, and Nina (with Matthias below as a prisoner), which makes me excited for all kinds of team-ups depending on where Season 2 takes us if/when it is announced as renewed. Shadow and Bone could have easily wrapped up all the storylines in one season, tearing down the Fold, putting the last touches on our romantic couples, and defeating the villain—but instead, the season finale simply extended more questions, more possibilities, and more waiting! Normally that would keep me on the edge of my seat, but instead, I’m less enthusiastic about what’s to come, as I wouldn’t yet call myself a true fan. We’ll see what Season 2 has to bring, though; stay tuned to see if I become a die-hard fan after another season! Overall, this show was a worthy binge and I definitely don’t regret watching it! I am very interested in the possibility of future seasons, as I can foresee the show’s potential for more epic excitement! I’m also interested to see sub-plot storylines such as Inej (Amita Suman) finding her long-lost brother, and what really happened to Mal and Alina’s parents. Is it possible to survive the Fold? All I’ll say on this is if a character isn’t seen dead on screen for at least 5 seconds, there’s always a chance for them to return! Let me know your thoughts on Season 1 of Shadow and Bone in the comments…will this show be on your BingeRoom Recommended list, or was it not your cup of tea?

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