TV Shows

JJ & Kiara From Netflix’s Outer Banks are ‘Endgame’ And Nobody Can Convince Me Otherwise

Netflix’s Outer Banks launched onto our screens in April 2020…it was the quarantine binge everybody needed (or at least, it’s 100% what I needed!)

Aside from the obvious: treasure hunting, mischief, running from police, and the occasional dramatic fight scene, there was one aspect of Outer Banks that has everyone still talking…relationships! I don’t know about you, but I’m a sucker for a good ’ship. Sure, there’s Outer Banks’ star couple, John B and Sarah Cameron, but what else is going on with our favorite Pogues?

By the end of Season 1, we see two of the Pogues, Kiara and Pope, begin to form a relationship. Four minutes into the first episode, I already knew Pope totally had a thing for Kiara—it was pretty obvious! But I was on the edge of my seat waiting to see some on-screen chemistry between them. Actually, rewind, I’m still waiting to see some on-screen chemistry! I was prepared for Pope to be secretly and hopelessly in love with Kiara forever…but sure enough, Outer Banks’ writers managed to sneak in that relationship in the last two episodes. Needless to say, it was a bit rushed.

However, I picked up some SERIOUS heat between Kiara and our favorite, comical, troubled, loose-cannon member of the OBX family, JJ. Sure, they didn’t have an onscreen kiss or a profession of love, and JJ seemed pretty supportive of Kiara’s other relationships, but it’s impossible not to notice the *potentially romantic* bond between the two of them. Maybe I’m picking up on their caring friendship, and if that’s the case, great—we definitely need to normalize male and female characters being ‘just friends.’ But if that isn’t the case, here is a list of things that may mean a relationship between the two is soon to come…

1. JJ and Kiara’s Flirtation

From the start, we see Kiara flirting with most of the Pogues—playfully, of course. In a discussion with John B, JJ confirms his flirtation: “Dude, of course I’m hitting on her. She’s a super-hot, rich, hippie chick slumming with us.” Further, he explains, “I know that door’s locked because I’ve tried it,” indicating that he has already attempted to ‘make a move’ with no success. 

In the first couple episodes, JJ attempts to convince John B to try things out with Kiara—as feelings between them were a questionable story ark for fans who were watching. John B kisses Kiara, but is quickly turned down due to the “No pogue-on-pogue macking” rule that Kiara throws at him. Okay, okay, this is a post for JJ and Kiara, I’m not here to talk about the weird kiss with Kiara and John B…that’s definitely for another time…but it was weird, am I right?

What’s even weirder is a conversation that took place with Kiara and John B while surfing in Episode 3. Let’s recap:

Kiara: “Hey… do you remember, when you kissed me?”

John B: “Yeah, yeah I remember.”

Kiara: “Did you tell JJ?”

Hmm…C’mon Kiara, that concern for JJ has to mean something! She definitely didn’t ask about Pope.

Wait, there’s more!

John B: “Why do you ask?”

Kiara: “Just wondering. It’s not…”

Awkward silence much? Oh yeah.

So why would Kiara be “just wondering” if John B happened to tell JJ about their kiss? And why would the OBX writers, producers, team, etc., include such a conspicuous scene? Was it on purpose? Did the writers accidentally bring this relationship to life?

If that’s not enough to convince you, let’s look at some of JJ’s actions…

2. JJ’s Reactions to Kiara’s Relationships

In each scene where we question Kiara’s relationship with another character—John B or Pope— such as various kissing scenes (yes, this includes that kiss on the cheek before John B’s dive) we always see a cut to JJ’s ‘not so happy’ facial expression. Whether it’s a mild frown, look of confusion, or even a face of mild jealousy, the show never ceases to ignore JJ’s reactions to Kiara’s romance scenes.  

3. JJ Protecting Kiara

In Episode 5, during the Midsummer’s celebration, Rafe and the other “Kooks” manage to corner JJ in a locker room. Before JJ is forcibly escorted out, a backhanded comment by Rafe: “Hey, tell Kiara she looks pretty hot for a Pogue,” resulted in a burst of anger from JJ (he was quickly stopped by the security guard who had him in his grasp, though). I’m confident that any of the Pogues would have been a bit angered by the comment—but this was just yet another time the writers focused on JJ and Kiara’s ‘relationship,’ making it a point for us to see him defend her, perhaps. This one may be a bit of a stretch…I don’t know, what do you think? You can discuss your opinions of this scene in your BingeRoom Groups with friends! Nothing like debating a possible ’ship clue to hold us over until Season 2!

4. The Hot Tub Scene

Last but definitely not least, we can’t ignore the scene that takes place in Episode 7 between these two. When JJ finally shows some emotion from his deep season-long struggles, he has one of the show’s most gut-wrenching displays of emotion, and completely breaks down. As Kiara instinctively goes to hold and support him, I can say with confidence that any fan who ships the two (including me) went into full swoon-mode. This scene wasn’t necessarily romantic, and there weren’t any actual hints to a relationship between the two, but watching how they held each other is definitely what sparked the “Jiara” ship from most fans.

Hopefully this has just hyped you all up even more for the release of Season 2 which should grace our screens sometime this year. I’m 100% positive that I’ll binge the whole season in a day or two like the last one—I’ll be proud to flex it in my BingeRoom Currently Watching updates, and so should you! OBX Season 2 is sure to be exciting…we’ve seen Kiara try it with John B, and now Pope…but who knows, maybe the writers are saving the best for the last!

See what else Hannah is Currently Watching and Recommending!

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